by Natalie French

Friday Faves

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Friday Faves

Here are 5 things that I am currently loving!

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All the voices Part II

All the voices Part II

I don't really remember doubting myself as a kid.  I mean, I'm sure I did, but it must not have been that often because it doesn't overtly represent any period of my childhood that I can recall.  Which is a good thing and something I am very grateful for.  Perhaps it was encouraging teachers, perhaps it was childhood "ignorance is bliss", perhaps I just didn't care that much about being particularly good at any one thing.   But, I can tell you that I have experienced it all too much as an adult. Whether its doubt in my ability as a...

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All the voices Part. I

All the voices Part. I

Part one of my initial blog series entitled "All the Voices." Follow along with me as I explore the many voices that have led me down the path from veterinarian turned artist and everything in between.

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